How to Add a Mailto Link on Each Page in Hugo?

On this website, I put my email link at the end of each post in place of the comment system. This was inspired by Eli Bendersky’s website. How to make it?

The following are the steps:

Go to YourSite > layouts > _default > single.html. You’re going to add the mailto link after the <main>...</main> part (corresponding to the main body of the post). Let’s start with a simple link:

<a href=""> EmailLink </a>

Open Git Bash Command on YourSite folder, and enter hugo server to see the pages locally. You’ll see that after each post, there is an EmailLink. When you click the link, the mail app will be opened and the address( is already in the receiver field.

If you’d like to add the subject and body to the mailto link, you may use the following script:

<a href=""?subject=subject&body=text> EmailLink</a>

Or you can go to the site Mailto link generator , enter the content and generate it.

I want to put a sentence at the end of each post: “Thank you for reading! For comments or discussions, please send me an email.” In HTML, <a></a> contains links. <p></p> contains paragraphs(pure text) . So here’s what I finally wrote in single.html:

<p>Thank you for reading! For comments or discussions, please send me an <a href="mailto:my_email"><u>email✉️</u></a>.</p>

Here the <u></u> underscores the mailto link for I found the link was not highlighted on the page. As for the sign of envelope✉️, I copied the Emoji from the Internet.


Mailto Link – How to Make an HTML Email Link

Mailto link generator